Our trusted partners
Find some of our trusted partners in your local community. Reach out to discover more service opportunities.
Miko's Pet Supplies
Miko's Pet Supplies is a store located in West Covina. They have dedicated [] years to assisting rescued cats and dogs by incorporating a cat room into their store, as well as hosting adoption events every other week.
They are often short-staffed and would welcome passionate volunteers. Click on their logo to find out more about them and how you can help out. Feel free to mention that you were recommended to call through Pawtection Movement.
Animal Of World FOundation
AWF is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to animal rescue all around the world. Primarily, they aid local shelters in the US and rescue stray animals from Mainland China, Korea, and Mexico. They also organize protests and boycotts to advocate for animal welfare and rights.
If you are interested in animal rescue volunteering, fostering rescued animals, or contributing medical aid for the animals, click on their logo to see more details and learn how to contribute. Feel free to mention that you were recommended to call through Pawtection Movement.